Course Syllabus

Welcome to Seventh Grade Social Studies! 

Just a quick reminder that our district will be using the program called "Canvas" for delivering announcements, coursework, and daily grades for grades 6 - 12.  Canvas should make it easier for students and parents to keep track of what is going on in school.  Students should check their Canvas accounts (grade book & assignments) daily. Because students will regularly have a good amount of time to complete daily work, students should never have late or missing work, except in cases of extended absences.    

Please feel free to use the contact information on the homepage to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


Mr. Dokkestul

See Canvas "announcements" section to see a detailed listing of all work for each day, and then complete all the assignments and assessments using Canvas.  

Image result for Canada

Course:Social Studies 7

Instructor name:  Mr. Dokkestul

Phone number: 715-284-4357 Ext. 3102


Class location:  Room 102, Middle School 

Class hours: 7:40 - 3:25 (*Schedules posted in rooms.)

Required Text(s):World Studies Tests (Latin America, Africa, Asia.)

Required Materials and Supplies: *See 7th Grade supply list 

Social Studies 7 Expectations

Daily Social Studies Links:

National Geographic – Cultural News

Today in History

CNN Student News

Student News Daily

Safari Montage login

General 7th Grade Expectations

  • 7th grade teachers strictly adhere to and follow the Middle School Tardy Policy outlined in your Student Handbook.
  • Assignment notebooks are required at all times – everywhere you go.  
  • Teachers will not write you a pass in your assignment notebook unless it has been completely filled out up to that point in the day.  No notebook = no pass.
  • Backpacks are not allowed in class unless special permission has been granted.  
  • Leave coats in your locker.
  • Students are encouraged to bring water bottles to class. Other food items are not allowed.
  • To avoid any embarrassment, make sure you follow Middle School rules on dress. If you are dressed inappropriately, you will be sent to the office.

 Homework Guidelines

Teachers will always provide adequate start time to work on assignments in class. Students also have Focus time to finish up assignments. If students use this time, they should have little to no homework.  


Link to : Grading Scale 


Corrective Assessment

Because the district feels grades communicate what students know and are able to do, all students, regardless of the grade earned on the initial assessment, will have the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of content on summative assessments through corrective assessment. The following guidelines are in place:

  1. Students will have five school days from the time a student receives the corrected summative assessment back from their teacher.
  2. A student is required to complete all undone homework, formative assessments and benchmark assessments that led up to the original summative assessment.
  3. Multiple retakes are not permitted.
  4. The corrective assessment opportunity would not apply to things such as long-term projects or research papers/essays
  5. The opportunity to take a corrective assessment is not automatic if the student is consistently unprepared.


Homework Guidelines

Teachers will always provide adequate start time to work on assignments in class. Students also have Focus time to continue working and finishing up assignments. If students use this time, they should have little to no homework.  


Late work/Missing Assignments/Make-Up Work

Our goal is to assess how much students have learned. We do feel for this learning to be effective that it should take place within the same unit. The connection between teaching and learning are essential. We want to set students up for success by ensuring there is not too much time that passes between these two occurrences. The following guidelines are in place:


  1. Late work will only  be accepted until the end of the unit.
  2. When late work is turned in, a teacher may deduct the total points earned by up to


  1. Per Board Policy, if a student is absent from class and the absence is excused, a

   student is given two days for each excused absence to make up the work before it is

   counted as late.



  • One of the best ways to ensure success in school is to attend everyday.  Absences, even for one day, can be difficult to come back from.  We understand that things come up such as significant illness, or death in a family, but we expect students to attend school regularly.  Those with significant attendance issues will be referred to the office for further disciplinary measures.  
  • You are accountable for getting work that you missed during your absence.



  • Random locker checks will be made.  Keep your locker neat and clean.
  • You need to have your assignments written in your assignment notebook each day.
  • You will pack up for the day and bring backpacks and coats to Focus. A locker stop before leaving the school should not be necessary.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due